Things I shouldn't be doing:
Secrets have been revealed and you have formed a pretty picture in your brain how I totally resembled a cross between Rakhi Sawant and a Vidya Balan without makeup. (Though makeup doesnt do her any good.)
This and having my birthday after 'n' days of doing 'Things I shouldn't be doing'.
Yes. Blasphemy, right?

But then when your birthday starts with a home made brownie cake studded with gems with Diwali candles used as birthday candles for a lack of better resources,
And veryfying and taking in view the above results we under section 91C of 'The ultimate Happiness Act' declare you Miss Gay for the day. (Not gay wala gay. Happy and gay wala gay.)
I’m 20 [its been a whole day that I have been 20] and I feel 19 and I act 15.[ok. 10. No negotiations now.]
I’m young, life still has a lot to teach me [like how to make tea without burning any thing/person and making out of the kitchen alive.] and I’m in no hurry.
I love talking about things, but that doesn’t mean I always know what I’m talking about. . One day I think I figured life out and the next I’m clueless. All I know is that life is happening right now and I don’t want to miss it. But then again I may wake up tomorrow and not feel that way anymore. Yes this is me. The-finally-20-year-old Nia Charms who has decided to live life at her own pace*
*Terms and conditions apply.
And maybe three philosophical lines are enough for the day. [bache ki jaan loge kya?]
P.S: An extract from the card my Mom made me:
Needless to say, I had to look up 'vicissitudes' in a dictionary.
An extract from the message from the special friend:
- Procrastinating.
- Avoiding bathing, courtesy not having to leave the house the whole day.
- Giving excuses to my brain how it is okay not to bathe when it is so cold. And the brain nodding like a five year old without questioning the existence of water heaters.
- Controlling the urge to poop just because I am lazy as fuck to go to the washroom.
- Breaking winds later in the room making everyone leave me in solace with my Flatulence. (a.k.a farts)
- Forgetting brushing my teeth even after that huge poster I glued to the mirror last month that said 'Brush your teeth, while you still have them'.
Secrets have been revealed and you have formed a pretty picture in your brain how I totally resembled a cross between Rakhi Sawant and a Vidya Balan without makeup. (Though makeup doesnt do her any good.)
This and having my birthday after 'n' days of doing 'Things I shouldn't be doing'.
Yes. Blasphemy, right?

But then when your birthday starts with a home made brownie cake studded with gems with Diwali candles used as birthday candles for a lack of better resources,
with you 'accidently' dropping one of the candles on your cousin and it 'as accidently as the previous one' burns the tee-shirt she 'borrowed' from you for infinity,
with your phone hanging up every second because of the flood of notifications and with the day ending with the most beautiful love letter ever, you are left with nothing to complain.
Home Made Cake ✓
Flood of notification ✓
A taxation exam ✖
Hand made card from HIM and one from Mom. ✓
The most heartwarming message from a friend ✓
(describing our journey together from the very start)
A cake again. ✓✓
Home Made Cake ✓
Flood of notification ✓
A taxation exam ✖
Hand made card from HIM and one from Mom. ✓
The most heartwarming message from a friend ✓
(describing our journey together from the very start)
A cake again. ✓✓
Drugged chilly chicken. ✖
Mom's yummiest recipe put into place for you. ✓
Gifts ✓
Chocolates. ✓
Love letter. ✓✓✓
(a one with feelings so great that no fancy words can replace.)
Stomach upset ✖
Mom's yummiest recipe put into place for you. ✓
Gifts ✓
Chocolates. ✓
Love letter. ✓✓✓
(a one with feelings so great that no fancy words can replace.)
Stomach upset ✖
Frequent trips to the loo. ✖
And veryfying and taking in view the above results we under section 91C of 'The ultimate Happiness Act' declare you Miss Gay for the day. (Not gay wala gay. Happy and gay wala gay.)
I’m 20 [its been a whole day that I have been 20] and I feel 19 and I act 15.[ok. 10. No negotiations now.]
I’m young, life still has a lot to teach me [like how to make tea without burning any thing/person and making out of the kitchen alive.] and I’m in no hurry.
I love talking about things, but that doesn’t mean I always know what I’m talking about. . One day I think I figured life out and the next I’m clueless. All I know is that life is happening right now and I don’t want to miss it. But then again I may wake up tomorrow and not feel that way anymore. Yes this is me. The-finally-20-year-old Nia Charms who has decided to live life at her own pace*
*Terms and conditions apply.
And maybe three philosophical lines are enough for the day. [bache ki jaan loge kya?]
P.S: An extract from the card my Mom made me:
Be a jewel in all vicissitudes of life,
for jewel has the same value and lustre
whether it is embedded in clay or is mounted on a crown.
Needless to say, I had to look up 'vicissitudes' in a dictionary.
An extract from the message from the special friend:
Sticks and stones,
May break my bones.
May you sense of humour,
give me a tumour.
You are very weird.
I dont have a beard.
But you are an awesome person.
And I dont know what rhymes with person.
Heart wrenching, right? I was filled with tears.
An extract from the love letter I got:
An extract from the love letter I got:
If by any chance i get unreasonable, illogical,egoistic ever..Read this letter..Get back to me sweetly by any name you want to..I will be back to normal.
And now you can all switch to the 'Aww-mode'.